Devil and Demon Birthday Party

Publié le par Lapin

  Samedi dernier ont a feter l'anniversaire de trois motard ^_^ dans un hangard agreablement amenager. Pour ameliorer le coter festif dela soiree, le theme etait demons et diable (ou diablesse). Autant vous dire que l'on a bien rigoler. J'avait tout prevu: j'avais emmener duvet et matelas pour pouvoir dormir sur place ^_^

Last Saturday we particpate to a party to celebrate 3 biker birthday ^_^. We did it in a friendly building, the party was well organised and almost everybody was wearing costumes and it was really funny ^_^. We had a lots of fun and laugh. We planned everything so we had duvet and matress in order to sleep overthere.

Voici les meilleurs photo de la soiree: tout d'abord, moi et Mai:
See below the best pictures: first, Mai and I:


Lucy ave son fantome et Steve a peine deguiser:
Lucy and her ghost and Steve with his mask and natural hair style



quelques couples mignon tout ici 
There was several cute couples

Mat the red and Phil the wite

So sexy...




Glenn! que fait tu!
Glenn! What are you doing! be shy sometimes ^_^


Voila, quel soiree! autant dire que bien jouer au foot le lendemain n'a pas etait simple... et le week end prochain direction londre...

What a nice party! Playing football well  the sunday was not easy! i was not really good ^_^. Next week end: let's go to london...
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